About me - MaxBruges.com
It's nice to meet you
It’s me, Max Bruges
…though unless you’re very tenacious with your Googling, we’ve probably met already.
I built this website largely as a place to practice my coding and to learn new skills (the details of which I will bore you with here on the blog). What started as some shoddily handcrafted HTML is now a slightly slicker static-site. Poke around: try some of the experiments here and flick through some of my lessons here.
I have been Head of English for a few years now, long enough to know that we can always be doing more to experiment and improve. Hopefully, what you find here will help you to do just that.
If you’d like to chat, you can drop me an email 📬 or find me on LinkedIn.
Special, open-source thanks go to:
- Team Zola for the best Static Site Generator in the game.
- HfG’s talented design students building the OpenMoji project, specifically for the gorgeous SVG rendering of Agatha that graces this homepage.
- unDraw, providing the illustrations you can see on a few of the pages.
“Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes.”